Awaken your inner goddess, witch, healer, priestess, creatrix, alchemist...

Sourceress School

Awaken your inner goddess, witch, healer, priestess, creatrix, alchemist...

Sourceress School

Become a Sourceress

Hi, I'm Rosie Volcano

All my life I felt a deep connection to Source. As a child, I would receive visions in church as a Catholic and knew deeply that I had a personal relationship with the Blessed Mother.

As I grew older, my relationship with Catholicism evolved and I began to find my connection with Source through many other modalities. I became an energy medicine practitioner in 2007, and started receiving visions or "downloads" from the people I worked on.

For the last decade I continued to develop this gift, and added to my toolbox by becoming a Reiki Master Teacher, A Forrest Yoga Teacher, Shamanic High Priestess, Transformational Coach among other things.

I believe we all have the ability to channel Source, and that journey looks different for each person. This is why I call my program Sourceress School. Because it's not about following a prescriptive dogma, it's about finding your own true connection to YOUR Source.

Through the work we do together, you will awaken to your own inner power, confidence, clarity and intuition. You will feel tapped in, tuned in, turned on and connected to an amazing group of souls who are on this journey with you.

I invite you to explore the mysteries of your own inner magick with us.



It's Time for Your Awakening

You've been waiting long enough. You've known all along that there was something more, something deeper waiting for you. This is that nudge from the Universe. She is pushing you gently toward your greatness. It's time to embrace your personal power.

You are Worth It.

There has never been a better time for you to tap into your inner power and magick together with the Sourceress tribe. Don't let another minute, month or year pass you by without exploring what's possible within your magickal realm. You deserve to been seen in your full Sourceress glory.

Words from our sourceress initiates...

The Sourceress Retreat was more than I could have asked for. I wasn't sure what to expect going in, but I think it worked out better that way. I believe it was the energy & intention of our group, all of us doing shadow work & stepping into our own power, as well as the sacredness of the land we inhabited. I felt so connected to Source ~ I sang hymns & received visions like I had in the church. And ultimately, I did things on this trip I never thought I'd do, or could do. I allowed myself to go places I'd never gone before. I returned a completely different person. I FEEL different. I feel older. Wiser. More complete. More ME. I have initiated into my true sorceress self, my eternal self, & I'm never going back. I'm going to fight for my right to live, to take up the damn space, to be ok with being rejected or disliked, & to be who I came here to be! I'm beyond grateful for this life-changing experience surrounded by my sorceress & sorcerer tribe of magic.

-Liza Rivera

When I first learned about Sourceress School right after graduating from Bizcraft, it felt like a whisper from my soul. There was an immediate resonance—an undeniable calling that I couldn't ignore. Rosie’s creativity and enchantment assured me that this journey would redefine my existence, and it absolutely did. From delving into Tarot and Psycho Magic to embracing Reiki and meeting my inner guides through meditation, reflecting on all I've learned fills me with a sense of boundless potential and expansiveness.

Rosie effortlessly creates a loving and intuitive space, fostering trust and enabling genuine, vulnerable connections among us all. Our retreat to the Mountain Light Sanctuary nestled in the Blue Ridge mountains of North Carolina felt like stepping into a fairytale. Each moment shared with my Sourceress sisters and brother feels like it's woven into the very fabric of my being, forever etched in the essence of who I am becoming.

We danced under the sky, shared tears and laughter, sang soul-stirring medicine songs, and challenged ourselves to release and let go. It was a tapestry of beauty and enchantment. The scent of the forest, the fireflies and the songs of creatures in the sacred land—these memories are vividly alive within me.

I have allowed myself the invaluable space to integrate at my own pace. This act, for me, is monumental. It's a testament to my self-love and a recognition of my transformation into a badass Sourceress. I've embraced the title of the Butterfly Goddess of Self Love—a symbol of my evolution amidst the majestic embrace of the Blue Ridge mountains.

This journey has been about rediscovering myself, and I'm in awe of the changes I've undergone. How will these transformations shape my path ahead? I'm eager to weave the practices and perspectives from this experience into my everyday life, allowing them to guide me as I continue to grow and flourish.


I wanted to give a shout out to a Liiiiiteral Life changing experience I had with @rosie_volcano. The weekend retreat experience I had in Asheville NC area inside the program of Sourceress/Sourcerer School was so powerful, fun, magical, deeeeply healing, and just all around sacred. The amount of on going jokes, playful vulnerability, and potent facilitators that made up how we got to embody our Inner Sourceress was mind blowing. A Sound healer from another dimension came in opening night and it was on! His sound healing was unreal, and I’ve experienced quite a few sound healing sessions. Rosie’s clever planning and on the spot shifts were on point for every step, hikes to gorgeous rivers, singing, dancing, photo shoots with face paint….. Alana’s breath work…daaang! We cried sooo deeply & laughed soooo hard. I saw layers of my deepest subconscious programs being seen, loved, and heard like never before. I saw layers of consciousness of the planet and humanity’s collective healing be enveloped in the love we need to over come all this f*ckd up chaos that needs a voice to get us to wake up as a species. All this in a location that felt like another country, a magical world nestled in the most lush mountains I didn’t even know existed like that, thank you Mountain Light Sanctuary! . Thank you Alana, thank you Kelly for your local insight, and thank you Rosie for getting me into this group of Epic women, I see you Sourceress’s, letting me be in the presence of Women going through healing that warms my heart and tears me up every time I feel into this weekend. . And thank you to my inner Sourcer, I see you Sourcerer.” . “Love, love, love”

-Brandon Schulze

Here's what's included in

Sourceress School

A 6 Month Ceremony of Connection, Community and Inner Healing

Weekly Group Calls

Every week we meet for 60-90 minutes to connect, share and learn together. Here will be your sacred time to be seen, heard and celebrated as the divine goddess you are. Here you will practice the different sacred teaching we share live with your fellow Sourceresses.

Energy Medicine Initiation

Become certified in Reiki 1 and learn more about your own personal connection with channeling healing energy. Go beyond the typical Reiki experience and discover your own unique healing gifts as a channel.

The Art Of Ceremony

Learn how to make life more sacred through the Art of Ceremony. You will learn about how to respectfully call in the four directions, honor the medicine wheel, learn the chants, prayers, rituals and medicine songs of the different cultures who have contributed to this collection of teachings. Learn how to build your own altar and welcome in the blessings of the divine beings you feel drawn to. Connect with your own cultural heritage and bring your own discoveries to the group. Be the creatrix of your own unique ceremony.

Become a Channel

What does it mean to be a channel? It means developing the ability to receive information through the hidden channels. All humans have the inherent ability to channel, but most of us ignore it. Through the teachings in Sourceress School, you will learn to awaken this connection, receive information from all your senses, and connect with your intuition more deeply than ever before.

Sourceress Retreat

Attend a transformational and healing retreat with your fellow Sourceresses in a sacred location. On retreat you will practice ceremony together, receive sacred initiations, eat healthy and delicious food, and practice meditation, yoga and breathwork. You will embrace the beauty of nature through planned nature experiences. And last but not least, you will participate in a transformational photoshoot ceremony. Yes, photoshoots can be healing experiences too. ;)

Shadow Integration

In Sourceress School, we don't shy away from shadow work. You will be lovingly guided through exercises designed to help you become aware of your shadow, get to know it, and lovingly integrate it so it's not "driving the bus" without your permission.

Here's What is included in

Sourceress School

A 6 Month Ceremony of Connection, Community and Inner Healing

Weekly Group Calls

Every week we meet for 60-90 minutes to connect, share and learn together. Here will be your sacred time to be seen, heard and celebrated as the divine goddess you are. Here you will practice the different sacred teaching we share live with your fellow Sourceresses.

Energy Medicine Initiation

Become certified in Reiki 1 and learn more about your own personal connection with channeling healing energy. Go beyond the typical Reiki experience and discover your own unique healing gifts as a channel.

The Art of Ceremony

Learn how to make life more sacred through the Art of Ceremony. You will learn about how to respectfully call in the four directions, honor the medicine wheel, learn the chants, prayers, rituals and medicine songs of the different cultures who have contributed to this collection of teachings. Learn how to build your own altar and welcome in the blessings of the divine beings you feel drawn to. Connect with your own cultural heritage and bring your own discoveries to the group. Be the creatrix of your own unique ceremony.

Become a Channel

What does it mean to be a channel? It means developing the ability to receive information through the hidden channels. All humans have the inherent ability to channel, but most of us ignore it. Through the teachings in Sourceress School, you will learn to awaken this connection, receive information from all your senses, and connect with your intuition more deeply than ever before.

Sourceress Retreat

Attend a transformational and healing retreat with your fellow Sourceresses in a sacred location. On retreat you will practice ceremony together, receive sacred initiations, eat healthy and delicious food, and practice meditation, yoga and breathwork. You will embrace the beauty of nature through planned nature experiences. And last but not least, you will participate in a transformational photoshoot ceremony. Yes, photoshoots can be healing experiences too. ;)

Shadow Integration

In Sourceress School, we don't shy away from shadow work. You will be lovingly guided through exercises designed to help you become aware of your shadow, get to know it, and lovingly integrate it so it's not "driving the bus" without your permission.

Bonus #1

Wealthy Witch Academy ($333 Value)

A 6-week self study course to help you tap into the vibration of wealth while learning about different witchy concepts.

This course combines the ancient wisdom of hermetics with meditation, law of attraction and more to help align your body mind and spirit with attracting abundance into your life.

Bonus #2

Mastering Tarot

($997 Value)

Ever wanted to be able to give a tarot card reading for friends, professionally or even just for yourself? In Sourceress School you will develop your own personal and intuitive style reading tarot that is entirely your own,

You will build a sacred connection to the deck of cards YOU feel called to work with, and feel like a pro when it comes time to shuffle and read them.

Bonus #3

Reiki 1 & 2 Attunement

($333 Value)

Receive Reiki 1 & 2 attunements and become proficient at self-treatment, distance treatment and quantum treatments.

Learn the symbols and how to use them. Build your own unique relationship with Reiki while honoring the lineage and history.

How Sourceress School has transformed lives…

My experience of the retreat is one I cannot hope to find adequate words for, and I know it will work it’s way in to all the art, and poetry I create moving forward. To say it was life changing would fall utterly short. My whole being was opened, enlivened, expanded, drenched, and saturated in love, compassion, & epiphanies so profound to me that I’ll be seeking to express them, & delighting in their integration in my daily life, forever. But it wasn’t just mind expanding. It was also an incredibly fun bonding experience, in an absolutely magical and glorious place. I had so much fun, and ate so well, and sang and laughed, and danced, and drummed, and hugged, and listened, and shared. I feel like I just enjoyed a 2 week vacation, and existential expansion in just 3 days. Not one part of my being will ever forget it. And I feel like I have a new family!

-Hekate Kenning

This retreat was truly EPIC!!!! I made some lifelong sisters and shared a group husband! (not in the biblical sense... get your minds out of the gutter!!!!!) We all laughed, cried, sang, ate, shopped, and had ceremony together. I think we all had some sort of life breakthrough and heart opening!!!! Just when I thought my heart couldn't open any more... here come the Volcanos!!!!! Definitely recommend!!!! One of the most well organized, well planned, and well executed retreats or conferences I've been to... and I've been to a lot!!!!! Take my word for it... do the Sourceress School!!!!

-Jeri Yoder

Glowing in all of our shadows, I got to spend time with some amazing women. All of whom I look up to. We did all kinds of things from bathing in a garnet lined creak, some of us fell up or down the dirt trail... but we all helped. Slippery rocks, broken toes, weird little cuts, emotional wounds, deep breath work, profound sound healing, AHmazing food, a gorgeous space.... we really fostered one another. Fostered healing, opening, love. I've never been part of a group this powerful. And I couldn't be more grateful. This retreat occurred 2 months ago, and it still has an impact on me now. Looking through the pictures, its all ALIVE again. It always will be. Thank you ladies and hubs, I love y'all to the moon and back... and then some!


Last weekend was the retreat out here in Barnardsville, NC at Mountain Light Sanctuary for the Sourceress (see what she did there?) School, put on by the one and only @rosie_volcano. This program has been so mindblowingly healing, empowering, awakening, enlightening, provoking, and enriching for me. Even though I had the honor of co facilitating this retreat with Rosie and the lovely @yogalanalee, I still was able to garner so much from this gathering in these magical Appalachian woods. I had the privilege of sharing one of my most special nature-spots out here with this incredible group of beautiful humans. We shared in the joy of baby chicks and blessing the uteruses of our expecting and soon-to-be-expecting sisters. We shared so much vulnerability, growth, joy, and strength together as a group. This program has offered me an incredible amount of healing towards some major religious wounds that I have been harboring right to my heart for many, many years. I have a safe space to explore callings that have always intrigued me, while still holding true to my own personal spirituality and faith. I’m learning skills, songs, tools, and practices to make me feel more like… ME. That’s truly the best way I can think of describing this, this feels like taking a BIG step toward honoring my true self. If this sounds like something you’d like to be a part of, please don’t hesitate to message us. We’d love to share all of this with you, too.


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